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Getachew Reda

Date of Birth: June 1974
Place of Birth: Alamata, Wollo Province, Ethiopia

Displaying 1-10 out of 21 results.

How Tigray is turning on itself

The agreement was negotiated by a small group of senior political and military officials headed by TPLF deputy chairman Getachew Reda...

Demeke's exit points to deepening rifts

Getachew Reda President of the interim authority in Tigray says that over 90% of people in the region are at risk of starvation or death and has called on the federal government to help...

Can Tigray's factions hold together?

The sceptics include Getachew Reda a TPLF politburo member who the party's Central Committee elected president of the interim regional government on 23 March and General Tadesse Werede former commander-in-chief of Tigray's military and now a deputy to Getachew in the government although not a TPLF member...

The price of peace

However it may be harder for Abiy to deal with Che Guevara-esque leader Kumsa Diriba aka 'Jaal Maarroo' and his dreadlocked followers than with negotiators led by Getachew Reda the TPLF's interim boss...

Displaying 1-10 out of 21 results.