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Welshman Ncube

Date of Birth: 7 July 1961

Displaying 1-10 out of 82 results.

Government’s man subverts the resistance

Welshman Ncube interim president of the CCC since Chamisa's resignation (although a different faction of the party from Timba's) appears to be open an inclusive government ‘so that the economy delivers for the people so that politics delivers for the people...

ZANU-PF's impostor plot

One school of thought is that Tshabangu is the public face of another major opposition split where either (or both) of the CCC Deputy Presidents Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube break away from or overthrow Chamisa...

Mnangagwa presses on regardless

Tshabangu went on to publish a press statement on 10 October stating that Chamisa himself had been expelled from the CCC and replaced with his deputies Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube...

Tsvangirai’s house divided

Chamisa forged alliances with breakaway factions of the MDC bringing former finance minister Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube back into the main body of the party as well as bringing in smaller opposition parties and even ZANU-PF defectors...

Activists take on the crisis

Two of its new vice-presidents Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti had led break-away factions in the Tsvangirai era...

The house of hunger revisited

The question is to what extent a weakened Chamisa will face challenges from other opposition heavyweights such as former Finance Minister Tendai Biti or former Trade andIndustry Minister Welshman Ncube...

In the mood for change

Obstructive ZECInstead Chamisa and top allies such as Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube are focusing efforts on the mechanics of the election and cutting down vote-fixing...

Patriotism, politics and position

The parties include that led by Morgan Tsvangirai former Prime Minister in the National Unity government the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai (MDC-T); Welshman Ncube's MDC faction; former Vice-President Joice Mujuru's Zimbabwe People First; Tendai Biti's People's Democratic Party; Simba Makoni's Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn; and Elton Mangoma's Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe (AC Vol 57 No 9 Morgan goes it alone)...

Morgan goes it alone

Much like the breakaway MDC formation led by Welshman Ncube its impact on the political arena has been marginal (AC Vol 46 No 24 Senate subterfuge)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 82 results.