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Welshman Ncube

Date of Birth: 7 July 1961

Displaying 11-20 out of 82 results.

Arms-for-minerals trades exposed

The deals were kept from their partners in government the Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai and a breakaway MDC formation led by Welshman Ncube...

Inside ZANU-PF's electoral coup

In a score of seats ZANU-PF scraped through with less than 50% as the rivalry between Tsvangirai and Welshman Ncube split the opposition vote...

Fury follows calm elections

That would give the two factions of the MDC – under Tsvangirai and Welshman Ncube – control of Parliament...

Welshman Ncube's MDC has not had a good campaign and the ten seats it won in 2008 could all be vulnerable to MDC-T...

Rushing and cheating

The MDC-T's launching rally in Marondera on 7 July was well attended but some impact was lost by the absence of Dumiso Dabengwa's Zimbabwe African People's Union and Welshman Ncube's MDC-Ncube from what some opposition activists had promised would be a grand coalition...

Election fever and finance

The main candidates are: Mugabe; Tsvangirai; Welshman Ncube who leads a rival MDC faction; and Dumiso Dabengwa of the Zimbabwe African People's Union...

Girding up for the vote

A recent poll puts voter intentions at 33% for ZANU-PF 32% for Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change-T and just 1% for Welshman Ncube’s MDC-N leaving 34% undecided...

A test for the constitutions

Meanwhile Welshman Ncube leader of the MDC-Ncube is still hamstrung by the continued presence of his predecessor Arthur Mutambara in Mugabe’s councils...

Elections and electioneering stall deals

Industry Minister Welshman Ncube who oversaw the Essar deal happens to be the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change splinter group whose electoral performance in Matebeleland in 2008 helped deny Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T a first-round win...

Arthur Mutambara

He became Deputy Prime Minister in the power-sharing government after the troubled 2008 elections but he lost the leadership of his own faction of the Movement for Democratic Change MDC-M to Industry Minister Welshman Ncube in January 2011...

Displaying 11-20 out of 82 results.