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Idrissa Seck

Date of Birth: 9 August 1959
Place of Birth: Thies, Senegal

Displaying 41-50 out of 51 results.

Crossing the river

Senegal's former Prime Minister Idrissa Seck believes that the 39-year age gap between Wade and Jammeh offers an opportunity for his mediation...

Oil and oligarchs

The opposition's 'tout sauf Wade' protest will continue throughout the year and now includes Idrissa Seck ('Idy') former faithful Premier to Wade...

Sopi and Seck

Accusations that former Prime Minister Idrissa Seck is 'threatening state security' are heating up politics in the lead up to next May's parliamentary elections...

Too much sopi

His latest prime minister Macky Sall was named in April to replace Idrissa Seck respected and powerful deputy leader of Wade's Parti Démocratique Sénégalais (PDS)...

Wade's wide world

It is dominated of course by Wade's Parti Démocratique Sénégalais (PDS) but Wade who led last year's parliamentary campaign will this time leave the election machine to his Cabinet Director Minister of State Idrissa Seck...

Wade's blue wave

Abdou Fall and Lamine Bâ replaced as ministers of Health and Environment had earlier run-ins with Wade's dauphin Idrissa Seck...

Ousmane Ngom fell out with Idrissa Seck in 1998 and now awaits a rapprochement with Wade as the sole deputy of the Parti Libéral Sénégalais (PLS)...

Party games

His replacement Djibril Ngom is a former advisor to Wade and is especially close to the PDS number two Minister of State Idrissa Seck...

Wade makes his mark

There is also talk of friction between Niasse and Idrissa Seck Wade's deeply religious and highly educated 'alter ego'...

L'effet Wade

Any threat this might pose to Wade may be counter-balanced by the strong team he has formed with his alter ego Idrissa Seck...

Tables turned

Wade and his campaign director and number two Idrissa Seck want less state control and more privatisation...

Displaying 41-50 out of 51 results.