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Idrissa Seck

Date of Birth: 9 August 1959
Place of Birth: Thies, Senegal

Displaying 11-20 out of 51 results.

Macky Sall buys some time

Idrissa Seck his closest challenger in the 2019 election was brought into the government camp rewarded with Touré's post at the head of the CESE...

Sall romps home

Veteran politician Idrissa Seck came a poor second with 21% and radical challenger Ousmane Sonko came third with 16%...

President plays by his rules

Idrissa Seck the Mayor of Thiès has tried to position himself as an alternative contender but has harmed his chances by making rash remarks about Islam...

Who loves ya, BBY?

Abdoulaye Baldé and Idrissa Seck lost their respective fiefs of Ziguinchor and Thiès...

Macky challenger gaoled

In order to prevail Khalifa Sall would need the PDS and other major players such as the Rewmi ('Country') party of Idrissa Seck the Mayor of Thiès (AC Vol 57 No 14 Mercy and Machiavelli)...

Mercy and Machiavelli

The conciliatory gesture could help to reunite the liberal part of the electorate which is currently divided between Sall's Alliance pour la République Idrissa Seck's Rewmi ('Country' in Wolof) and the Parti démocratique sénégalais (PDS) founded by Wade's father ex-President Abdoulaye Wade and of which Karim is to be the Presidential candidate...

Critics argue that murky financial issues aside Karim has neither the will nor the capacity to be an opposition spearhead and that Macky Sall has more to fear from the likes of former prime minister Idrissa Seck who has slammed Wade's release as part of a shady self-serving pact between Sall and the PDS...

Sall clears the decks

The Master of ThièsMeanwhile a former BBY coalition member Rewmi (Nation) which is run by the Mayor of Thiès former Prime Minister Idrissa Seck has been losing prominent members to the APR...

Macky the knife

Thiès stays in the hands of Macky Sall's arch-rival Idrissa Seck and heavy presidential coalition campaigning found no reward in Ziguinchor even though Mayor Abdoulaye Baldé is closely associated with ex-President Wade and is under investigation for fraud (AC Vol 49 No 5 The Wade summit)...

Man with a plan

Yet many see him as a second Idrissa Seck: an erstwhile ally of Sall who left the government last year amidst a stage-managed media tumult...

Hunt loses momentum

Beyond the polls he must contend with the ambitions of those aspiring to his job including the mercurial Idrissa Seck and – possibly – the woman who as Justice Minister opened the case against Karim the ruthlessly ambitious Prime Minister Aminata Touré...

Displaying 11-20 out of 51 results.