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Ali Mohamed

Displaying 21-30 out of 68 results.

The struggle for the centre

Belhadj is reckoned to have 3 000 men under his command and he is an ally of Qatar-based Libyan Sheikh Ali Mohamed el Salabi an Islamist scholar close to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)...

Leading lights

At the 18 April Turkey-Sudan Trade Bridge meeting in Antalya Ali Mohamed Dafallah of the Sudanese Businessmen and Employers Federation declared that with Turkish technology Sudan could feed itself and countries in the region...

Down but not out

The Vice-President of Zanzibar the CCM's Ali Mohamed Shein won its presidency...

The battle of the Nile

However following June’s meeting in Addis Ababa of the Nile Council of Ministers (Nile-COM) Sudan’s Irrigation and Water Resources Minister Kamal Ali Mohamed declared: ‘We are freezing activities regarding the NBI until these issues these legal implications are resolved...

Crisis on the Nile

As ministers argued in a press conference after the Nile Basin Initiative meeting Sudan’s water minister Kamal Ali Mohamed announced that his country would be suspending cooperation with the World Bank-backed initiative which promotes regional cooperation over the use of the Nile’s waters for irrigation and hydropower projects...

Flash point Southern Kordofan

The ICC on 25 May referred Sudan to the UN Security Council for ‘non-cooperation’: its failure to apprehend Harun and his fellow indictee Janjaweed militia leader Ali Mohamed Ali Abdel Rahman (aka ‘Ali Kusheib’)...

Britain's demanding ally in Tripoli

Britain's release of convicted terrorist Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed al Megrahi has prompted widespread criticism (especially from Washington) but Whitehall officials judged it worth the price of closer security ties with Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's regime and commercial gains...

Who's Who

Widely seen as the man behind the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 108 over Lockerbie he visited Scotland at least twice to meet officials over the release of the man convicted of that bombing Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed el Megrahi...

War crimes

Neither though opposed the ICC's 2007 charges against the State Minister for Humanitarian Affairs Ahmed Mohamed Haroun or Janjaweed leader Ali Mohamed Ali Abdel Rahman (Ali 'Kusheib')...

Displaying 21-30 out of 68 results.