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Idriss Déby Itno

Displaying 131-140 out of 223 results.

Battle of Omdurman

The raid is widely portrayed as retaliation for Sudan's support for the Chadian rebels' failed attempt to overthrow President Idriss Déby Itno in February...

Western diplomats say he opposed Khalil's attack; Darfur sources say he called Khalil (his relative though a Zaghawa Kobe) back to Ndjamena when he learnt of his plans but Idriss Déby's brother Timane Déby Sultan of Bahai told Khalil not to go...

    Vol 49 No 4 |
  • CHAD

Déby – caught between Paris and Khartoum

The rebels and their sponsors in Sudan's National Congress (National Islamic Front) regime in Khartoum had spotted growing dissent within President Idriss Déby Itno's own security forces and feared that outside intervention could strengthen him...

Rassemblement des Forces pour le Changement led by Timane Erdimi who with his twin brother Tom Erdimi was formerly influential in the entourage of their uncle Idriss Déby; their family is from the Bideyat subgroup of the Zaghawa...

Dynastic ambition survives in General Idriss Déby's elder brother the immensely rich Daoussa Déby...

    Vol 49 No 4 |
  • CHAD

Beyond the borders

Chad and Sudan have been meddling in each other's politics for 30 years and the semi-nomadic peoples who straddle the border (including President Idriss Déby Itno's Zaghawa) complicate the relationship...

    Vol 49 No 4 |
  • CHAD

Papers and death merchants

French Belgian and South African companies cooperated in supplying armoured vehicles to President Idriss Déby Itno's Presidential Guard according to The Bulletin an English-language weekly published in Brussels...

Election shockwaves spread

Chad and Sudan back each other’s rebels and Khartoum has long sought to overthrow President Idriss Déby Itno...

A slow road to travel

CHAD: The tightrope act of President Idriss Déby Itno is becoming more and more risky with a renewed rebellion along Chad’s eastern border and increasingly tangled international relations especially with France...

Year of the rat

Sudanese security elements are understood to have armed the three groups that attacked aiming to overthrow Chad's President Idriss Déby Itno...

Displaying 131-140 out of 223 results.