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Idriss Déby Itno

Displaying 1-10 out of 223 results.

Kaka beset on all sides

The greed of members of the elite has reached a level that Mahamat Kaka's father Idriss Déby Itno would never have tolerated regime-watchers say...

Dropping France, Mahamat Kaka tilts to Turkey and the UAE

Chad's President Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno ‘Kaka' had his eyes on the parliamentary elections on 29 December which saw a desultory turnout of around 38% after the leader of the opposition Les Transformateurs party Succès Masra had called for a boycott...

Associates of Hissène Habré are back in Chad and still resent France for switching its support to Idriss Déby Itno who seized power on 1 December 1990...

Opponents of Idriss Déby Kaka's father who was killed in 2021 also take a hard line on France which has ignored them for three decades...

President Emmanuel Macron was angry after spending so much capital to endorse the young coup-maker Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno ‘Kaka' – only to be stabbed in the back...

Macron was the only western leader to attend the funeral of Mahama Kaka's father Idriss Déby Itno...

From Abu Dhabi with Dirham

His father was one of the closest associates of Hissène Habré and died in a battle against Idriss Déby in 1989...

New Minister of Internal Security General Ali Ahmat Akhabach is Arab/Awlad Rashid and was the leader of the Conseil Démocratique Révolutionnaire that joined Idriss Déby in 2007 after mediation with Libya...

President Macron plans military cuts

Chad has hinted at its readiness to maintain a close partnership but has been irritated at a probe by French anti-corruption judges into lavish spending by President Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno ‘Kaka'...

Incapable of defeating each other, the generals fight on

Chadian sources say that UAE arms for Hemeti and his fighters are either flown direct from the UAE or procured from the Chadian army and transported by the Délégation Générale de la Réserve Stratégique led by a younger brother of the Chad's former President Idriss Déby Itno and uncle to the incumbent Mahamat...

Displaying 1-10 out of 223 results.