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Côte d'Ivoire

Michel Koudou Gbagbo

Date of Birth: 24 September 1969
Place of Birth: Lyon,France

Displaying 1-7 out of 7 results.

Football before politics

The RHDP has fielded Adama Bictogo party organiser visa and ferry tycoon and president of the Assemblée nationale against Michel Koudou Gbagbo the son of the former president...

Many shoes to fill

Gbagbo's party has largely lost its grip in western Côte d'Ivoire although the giant Abidjan suburb of Yopougon still remains very much its fief; it is here that the former president's son Michel Gbagbo won a seat...

Parties to many disputes 

Other clouds include his treatment of Ex-President Laurent Gbagbo's son Michel Gbagbo and another looming legal problem connected to the executions in 2002 of 60 gendarmes in Bouaké which was under his control at the time...

Soro has phone trouble

Soro may have glimpsed an omen of things to come while he was in Paris for COP21 when French magistrate Sabine Khéris on 5 December issued an arrest warrant for him for an alleged kidnapping of Laurent Gbagbo's son Michel Gbagbo...

Gbagbo: France’s part in his downfall

The sound of the drilling terrified Gbagbo and his followers and they surrendered; presidential son Michel Gbagbo emerged from the palace holding a white T-shirt in surrender...

The contenders

Laurent Gbagbo is hostile to him partly due to the arrest of Michel Gbagbo his oldest son after a peaceful demonstration when Ouattara was Premier under Houphouët-Boigny...

Displaying 1-7 out of 7 results.