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René Emmanuel Sadi

Date of Birth: 21 December 1948
Place of Birth: Maroua, Cameroon

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.

Biya's government blocks bids to unite opposition

Edzoa's call for a transition of power prompted the usually tight-lipped government spokesman Minister of Communication René Emmanuel Sadi to state on Radio France Internationale that there was no vacuum: Biya was doing well as president and Franck was free to run if he made up his mind...

Biya circles the wagons

René Emmanuel Sadi the minister of communications announced that drawing comparisons between Cameroon and coup-hit states were forbidden...

Biya’s hollow victory

Another potential dauphin is René Sadi the former Minister of Territorial Administration and current Minister in Charge of Special Duties at the presidency...

The Anglophone spring

Yang is 69 Justice Minister Laurent Esso is 74 Territorial Administration (Interior) Minister René-Emmanuel Sadi is 68 and Labour and Social Security Minister Grégoire Owona is in his late 60s...

Après Biya fears

One potential successor is René-Emmanuel Sadi 64 a technocrat who was the ruling Rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais Secretary General from 2007 to 2011 before Biya shifted him to the post of Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation Hamidou Yaya’s old job...

Election fails to stir passions

René Emmanuel Sadi a Christian northerner was again tipped as a possible successor with the potential for unifying the country but nobody was really surprised when Biya said he would be seeking another term after all...

To Biya or not to Biya

René Sadi born in the far northern city of Maroua is Christian and as most northerners are Muslim his ‘mixed’ background could broaden his appeal...

Old wounds, new crises

Two ruling party politicians RDPC Secretary General René-Emmanuel Sadi and a younger militant Ateba Yene appear strong enough to withstand pressure from the presidential clique and seem convinced that Biya’s political power is dwindling fast...

Biya's grip

As Biya's aides face arrest or investigation the only personality strong enough to challenge presidential decisions and even to disobey such directives is René Emmanuel Sadi Secretary General of the ruling RDPC...

No contest

The RDPC Secretary General René Emmanuel Sadi says his critics are as usual bad losers...

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.