Signalling that the regime will brook no opposition Direction Général de Surveillance du Térritoire police chief Abdellatif Hammouchi is focusing on snuffing out any domestic or international threat to these marquee occasions...
The French president is expected to visit Rabat later this year but a radical shift was not considered essential after a period in which France had worked to mend relations with M6 who was infuriated by his senior spy chief Abdellatif Hammouchi being denied entry into France...
Barlamane publisher Mohammed Khabachi is no muckraker but a former director of the state news agency Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) whose political connections go up to M6's political advisor and friend from childhood Fouad Ali al Hima and the head of the domestic intelligence service the Direction Général de Surveillance du Térritoire (DGST) Abdellatif Hammouchi...
Claims that King Mohammed VI was among those whose phones were hacked was dismissed by insiders who said that Director of the DGSN Abdellatif Hammouchi would have been sacked and prosecuted if that happened...
Deep-state conspiracy advocates allege that insiders like M6's school friend and Political Advisor Fouad Ali el Himma security chief Abdellatif Hammouchi or Interior Minister Mohammed Hassad run a wide-ranging Tahakoum operation...
With security an ever-present concern one of the King's favourites the head of the intelligence agency the Direction générale de la surveillance du territoire Abdellatif Hammouchi is also in the ascendant...