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Musa Hilal

Date of Birth: 1961

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.

Burhan’s forces falter as Hemeti takes more ground

An example of what could happen came when these insurgents started to fight dissidents of the Revolutionary Awakening Council led by Musa Hilal in Libya because they feared they were joining the RSF with new military equipment...

Unending war deepens chaos

Many doubt that the mediation attempted by the Rizeigat/Mahamid former Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal who is close to Burhan has any chance of slowing down the killing (AC Vol 64 No 15 Hemeti's grand plan is stalemated)...

Hemeti's grand plan is stalemated

Yousuf Ezzat: a top political advisor to Hemeti who hails from the North Darfur section of the Mahriya tribe making him a cousin of both Hemeti and former Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal...

Hafiz al Zain: a strategic advisor to Hemeti a university professor and former secretary general of the Sudanese Revolutionary Awakening Council-Collective Leadership a faction that splintered with Musa Hilal's Awakening Council...

Missed deadlines are part of the plan

Burhan may try to reinstall the Border Guards Forces (Haras al-Hodud) set up in 2003 at the peak of the Darfur conflict and dissolved in 2017 – both as a way to secure troops for his new ally Musa Hilal (who was then one of the Border Guards' leaders) and an alternative to the RSF for his Mahamid ethnic group...

Border troubles threaten the region

Burhan has promoted Musa Hilal who used to head the Janjaweed 20 years ago before he was replaced with his then number two Hemeti by ex-President Omer Hassan el Beshir (AC Vol 63 No 19 Junta's double-talk on transition)...

Beshir felt Musa Hilal was getting too big for his boots...

Now the analysts say Burhan has promoted Musa Hilal to act as a foil to Hemeti...

Hemeti hopes for sympathy in Ndjamena because his branch of the Rizeigat nomads of Darfur and eastern Chad the Mahariya are well represented in ruling circles there unlike the Mahamid Musa Hilal's branch of the Rizeigat...

Musa Hilal may have fewer friends in Ndjamena but the thoughts of Ahmat Hassaballah Soubiane a Mahamid whose position vis-à-vis Kaka is not year clear but was a staunch supporter of his father are anxiously awaited...

Junta's double-talk on transition

In 2019-20 the RSF won over many troops from Musa Hilal a militia leader implicated in the 2003 Darfur genocide but who had long been a rival of Hemeti's...

Ructions within the Rapid Support Forces Within the Rapid Support Forces militia of General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo 'Hemeti' the entry of new interest groups – including loyalists to Darfur warlord Musa Hilal – has caused ructions...

Military roadblocks

It was in Darfur that Burhan established close relations with leaders of the Janjaweed militia such as Musa Hilal Musa and Hemeti...

In the early 2000s he fought in the Janjaweed militia under the command of his cousin Musa Hilal Musa and financed by Beshir's regime in Khartoum to suppress dissidents in Darfur with the utmost brutality...

A last blast for sanctions

The leader of the Abbala (the camel-herding branch of the Baggara Arabs) is Musa Hilal Musa chief of the Mahamid sub-group and whom the UN named as Janjaweed leader a decade ago (AC Vol 46 No 4 Who's who on Darfur...

Why the peacekeepers stay in Darfur

That blames the regime squarely for the death and displacement in Darfur and is the basis for the ICC's case against Omer el Beshir; his former Defence Minister and now Khartoum State Governor Lieutenant General Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein; North Kordofan Governor Ahmed Mohamed Haroun Adam; and Janjaweed (and Mahamid tribe) leader Musa Hilal Musa who has recently returned to the regime fold...

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.