After Djogbenou stood down in July to succeed the 83-year old Bruno Amoussou as leader of the pro-government Union Progressiste the judges elected one of their own Razaki Amouda Issifou as their new chief...
General (retired) Amoussou has been Armed Forces Chief of Staff and Commander of the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Côte d'Ivoire and is a brother of the former heir-apparent to the late President Mathieu Kérékou PSD leader Bruno Amoussou (AC Vol 43 No 24 The old order please)...
Boni's closest political rivals Houngbedji and Bruno Amoussou seemed shop-soiled veterans of Kérékou's long rule and both are from the south...
With no party structure behind him he has no designated successor but a likely candidate is Bruno Amoussou Minister of State in charge of Coordinating Government Action Planning Development and Employment Promotion...
His promotion might have upset the powerful Bruno Amoussou who helpfully lent credibility to President Mathieu Kérékou's re-election last year by standing as a no-hoper in the second round after a discouraged Nicéphore Soglo withdrew (AC Vol 42 No 6)...
Kérékou's opponent in the second round on 22 March was scheduled to be Prime Minister Bruno Amoussou who polled 8...
In the south-west though Kérékou is backed by Bruno Amoussou the Minister of State (senior minister) for Planning and Employment whose Parti Social-Démocrate rules the roost in Mono...
Although his Parti Démocratique Républicain gained more support in the March 1995 parliamentary elections he was unseated as Assembly President by Bruno Amoussou whose support was in Mono Département...
So does the holder of the Assembly Speaker's chair Bruno Amoussou whose Parti Social-Démocrate is on the non-communist left...