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Njuguna Ndung'u

Date of Birth: 1960
Place of Birth: Lodwar, Kenya

Displaying 1-10 out of 11 results.

How the fiscal squeeze threatens the patronage machine

As they regroup from the political defeat of 26 June President William Ruto and his finance minister Njuguna Ndung'u are torn between the demands of a highly organised protest movement with national support and an economy that is heading towards a cliff edge unless it can pick up more multilateral support...


Austerity the price of debt workout dodge

Finance Minister Njuguna Ndung'u and Central Bank of Kenya Governor Kamau Thugge may struggle to negotiate the trade-offs they face while seeking to meet the quantitative and structural targets of Kenya's $4...

Austerity is no brake on Ruto's ambitions

'These inflows are poised to significantly bolster foreign exchange reserves ' said Njuguna Ndung'u the cabinet secretary for National Treasury and Economic Planning adding that the government's interest payment had been 'a positive signal to investors but also resulted in reduction in yields on Kenya's Eurobonds in the global financial markets'...

Ruto's plan to profit from the ports hits problems

Before the first private tenders for the ports were opened in early October Treasury and national planning cabinet secretary Prof Njuguna Ndung'u told Nassir that revenue accrued from the Port of Mombasa would not be shared with the county government...

Ruto's credit slumps amid cash flow crisis

In a letter to MPs Treasury cabinet secretary Njuguna Ndung'u attributed the delay to a 'shortfall in revenue collection as well as high public debt obligations'...

The hustler backs austerity

Ruto's finance ministry cabinet nominee the Nairobi University academic and former central bank governor Njuguna Ndung'u plans to use cheaper loans from agencies including the World Bank to allow Kenya to retire expensive domestic loans and create funds for urgent spending including on food imports such as maize and rice (AC Vol 53 No 1 Downturn hits election agenda)...

Loyalty trumps all in Ruto's cabinet

The Treasury will be led by technocratic former central bank governor and Nairobi University economics professor Njuguna Ndung'u...

Downturn hits election agenda

To save the shilling they froze the money supply and to achieve this Central Bank Governor Njuguna Ndung’u forced interest rates up ending a decade-long credit honeymoon for the middle-classes and reversing many of the achievements which Kibaki’s lieutenants so eagerly ascribe to him...

Displaying 1-10 out of 11 results.