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Kissi Agyebeng

Date of Birth: 2 July 1978

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.


Special Prosecutors past and present

A petition filed by Martin Amidu Ghana's first Special Prosecutor demanding the dismissal of his successor Kissi Agyebeng could pose a major threat to what remains of the office's credibility...


No case for the prosecutor

The decision by Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng not to prosecute former deputy Finance Minister Charles Adu Boahen has been widely criticised by lawyers and civil society as denting the credibility of the Office of the Special Prosecutor after its report on the affair was published last month...

Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has accused Kissi Agyebeng of allowing personal interests to sway his judgement on the Adu Boahen case...

Plans for urban forest raise hackles

Just over a week later the Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng announced the freezing of part of Afriyie's estate over investigations into alleged corruption...

Government to ram through gold scheme

' The role to be played by Amidu's successor as Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng a lawyer who had close ties to Africa Legal Associates is also unclear...

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.