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Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle

Date of Birth: 22 November 1890
Place of Birth: Lille, France
Died: 9 November 1970

Displaying 1-10 out of 23 results.

President Macron plans military cuts

Meanwhile the Camp Charles de Gaulle in Libreville Gabon will now host a college training the Gabonese and other African armies in military administration...

Emmanuel l'Africain II

The cosy and corrupt relationships between France and its ex-colonies nurtured by Charles de Gaulle's eminence grise Jacques Foccart have been commonly referred to by one word: Françafrique...

    Vol 60 No 21 |
  • TOGO

The price of legitimacy

Kpodar for example has already called on the regime to permit the return of all exiled Togolese including Atchadam – who leads the Parti national panafricain (PNP) – and another critic Akila Esso Boko who was recently refused permission to board a Lomé-bound flight at Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport...

Drawing a line in Libya

Algerian reports spoke of a Western build-up including the return to the Mediterranean (from the Gulf) of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle officially for a naval exercise with a new friend (and target for Hollande's defence sales drive) Egypt...

    Vol 55 No 6 |
  • MALI

Talking Timbuktu

A founder of the 1990s rebel vehicle the Front Islamique arabe de l'Azawad Sidi Mohamed is also reputed to have taken part in the 1958 negotiations on the future of what is now northern Mali serving as a translator for General Charles de Gaulle – a pedigree that his supporters enjoy comparing with with Ag Acherif's rather shorter and less distinguished record...

Après Bongo

French troops remain at Libreville’s Camp Charles de Gaulle but why they are there is no longer clear...

Displaying 1-10 out of 23 results.