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Adalberto Costa Junior

Date of Birth: 8 May 1962
Place of Birth: Chinjenje, Angola

Displaying 1-10 out of 15 results.

Political glitches hold up reforms

Lourenço is struggling in the wake of a narrow 2022 electoral victory widely viewed as rigged over Adalberto Costa Júnior the presidential candidate for the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) opposition...

Lourenço faces a tough rebuild

Secondly an effort is ongoing to circumvent the opposition União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) and its leader Adalberto da Costa Junior which contends that it won the August polls...

UNITA plans protests but drops boycott

Swallowing his disappointment UNITA leader and presidential candidate Adalberto Costa Júnior managed to persuade the party that boycotting parliament would be counter-productive...


Following in Odinga's footsteps

UNITA leader Adalberto Costa Júnior has stated that his party does not recognise the final results from the Comissão Nacional Eleitoral (CNE – electoral commission) which gave UNITA 44% of the vote and is mounting a legal challenge...


A tale of two elections

He has done this partly insiders say because he believes he does not need to and partly because he disdains UNITA leader Adalberto Costa Júnior who has been fiercely critical of Lourenço's five years as president (AC Vol 63 No 12 Why UNITA could cause an upset in August)...


MPLA on uncertain ground

Also the leader of the opposition União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) Adalberto Costa Júnior is a charismatic mestiço who spent most of his life in Portugal and looks like a breath of fresh air...

Dos Santos haunts Lourenço's campaign

According to Tchizé her father was going to endorse Adalberto da Costa Junior the leader of União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) for the presidency as a response to the disillusion and humiliation suffered since 2017...

Why UNITA could cause an upset in August

Adalberto Costa Júnior was elected head of the opposition and former rebel group the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) in late 2019...

Displaying 1-10 out of 15 results.