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Laurent-Désiré Kabila

Date of Birth: 27 November 1939
Place of Birth: Likasi, Congo-K
Died: 18 January 2001

Displaying 201-210 out of 257 results.

Military muddling

On the Congo side of the frontier Laurent-Désiré Kabila's government is still far from from consolidating its military position...

More contras

Africa Confidential understands that at the height of Laurent Kabila's war against Mobutu President Déby with Elysée encouragement sent arms supplied by Libya and Chinese-made weapons from Sudan to Mobutistes...


On 11-12 February in Harare the OAU's Central Organ (‘security council') will consider the 1994 Rwandan genocide the consequent Hutu refugee crisis in Zaïre and the killings during Laurent Kabila's overthrow of Mobutu Sese Seko...

Best friends, friends and foes

While Laurent-Désiré Kabila's government has almost unequivocal backing from its neighbours (apart from Sudan) Western states are less convinced...

Madeleine's mission

After her encounter with Museveni Albright's tour neatly segues into Central Africa: meetings with General Paul Kagamé and President Laurent-Désiré Kabila are planned for 11 and 12 December...

Kabila's banker

A brass plaque outside the smart new offices of the Banque de Commerce et de Développement in Kinshasa's main street Boulevard du 30- Juin proclaims that they were opened by President Laurent-Désiré Kabila on 25 October...

The border war

Now with his ally Laurent-Désiré Kabila in charge of what was Mobutu Sese Seko's Zaïre and English-speaking businessmen making fortunes there Uganda looks like the entry point for the emerging markets of the Great Lakes region...

    Vol 38 No 23 |
  • TOGO

Mini-Mobutu okay?

Gilchrist lives in Ghana and has a Ghanaian diplomatic passport; he also has the backing of Laurent Kabila's regime in the Democratic Republic of Congo...

Displaying 201-210 out of 257 results.