The late President Laurent-Désiré Kabila left an unfinished mystery for Burundi...
Vol 42 No 2 |
The assassination of Congo-Kinshasa's President Laurent-Désiré Kabila played havoc with the running order at Cameroon's Franco-African summit the 21st since 1973...
Vol 42 No 1 |
Two developments could help peace efforts in Congo-Kinshasa this year: gathering political and financial pressure on the foreign combatants to withdraw their troops and a near consensus among all parties that President Laurent-Désiré Kabila be replaced by a leader more willing to negotiate with political opponents...
Vol 41 No 23 |
President Laurent-Désiré Kabila rejects the idea enshrined in the Lusaka agreement of July 1999 of all-party talks about his country's constitutional future...
The closest to a military candidate is parliamentary Speaker and former intelligence chief Emmerson Mnangagwa who was the prime mover behind the military intervention to support President Laurent-Désiré Kabila in Congo-Kinshasa...
Bemba effectively abandoned the Lusaka agreement months ago arguing that he had to resist attacks from Congolese President Laurent Kabila and his allies in the north-western province of Equateur...
Vol 41 No 20 |
Their common theme is growing impatience with President Laurent-Désiré Kabila and his obstruction of the peace process...
President Laurent-Désiré Kabila is increasingly relying on mercenary soldiers and bomber pilots as he prepares for a new round of fighting with the disparate rebel factions across the country...
Vol 41 No 17 |
President Laurent-Désiré Kabila had hoped that his opponents' quarrels would bring him a quick victory...
Vol 41 No 17 |
After the MLC was set up Laurent Kabila appointed Bemba's father ex-Mobutu Sese Seko minister Jeannot Bemba Saolona as Economy Minister...