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United States

Mary Catherine Phee (Molly)

Date of Birth: 1963

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.

    Vol 65 No 9 |
  • CHAD

President Mahamat considers the Russian bear hug

The Niger junta accused the US of being 'condescending' when Assistant-Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee and the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) Gen Michael Langley Africom visited Niamey on 14 March (AC Vol 65 No 7 General Tiani swaps the US for Russia)...

    Vol 65 No 8 |
  • TOGO

Faure lobbies Washington

A filing made under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) states JDA Frontline will seek meetings with Vice-President Kamala Harris or a senior official from her team; Samantha Power the administrator of USAID; and Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Molly Phee...

General Tiani swaps the US for Russia

Col Abdramane was speaking two days after Molly Phee US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and General Michael Langley the commander of US AFRICOM met with senior CNSP officials in Niamey...

The US delegation led by Molly Phee US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and General Michael Langley the commander of US AFRICOM may have overlooked a bit of poignant history in Niger...

Harsh realities face Tshisekedi after vote

A White House statement announcing that a presidential mission led by US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee to Tshisekedi's inauguration on 20 January confers a higher level of approbation than for the disputed 2018 election...

Mix-up costs Juba envoy

But it was told that Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Molly Phee would be the one to see Kiir instead and could he come to meet her...

A ceasefire with monitors this time

Molly Phee with extensive experience in the Middle East and now the United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs is shouldering most of the criticism...

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.