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Abdoulaye Diop

Date of Birth: 17 September 1965
Place of Birth: Brazzaville, Congo-B

Displaying 1-10 out of 19 results.

The juntas dig in as instability worsens

A first official visit to Mali by Senegal's new President Bassirou Diomaye Faye induced no hint at compromise over Bamako's proclaimed departure from Ecowas with foreign minister Abdoulaye Diop dismissively commenting: ‘We can't be in organisations that we don't control' (AC Vol 65 No 11 Faye's diplomatic rounds)...

    Vol 64 No 24 |
  • MALI

Junta falls out with its fanbase

Links with the Mali junta firmed when Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian visited Bamako in August 2022 and he met his Malian counterpart Abdoulaye Diop again in New York in September this year at the UN General Assembly...

    Vol 64 No 18 |
  • MALI

As Bamako pushes out the UN, Islamists seize new opportunities

The UN's Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (Minusma) has just six months to shut down its operation after Bamako's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop called on 16 June for its withdrawal 'without delay' (AC Vol 63 No 22 Bamako's wolf warrior diplomacy backfires)...

    Vol 64 No 14 |
  • MALI

Did Moscow hotline end the UN mission?

The Security Council had no choice but to vote unanimously for Resolution 2690 ending the mandate of the Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (Minusma) after foreign minister Abdoulaye Diop announced that the government was withdrawing its host country consent...

Bamako's wolf warrior diplomacy backfires

After accusing France of supporting Islamist militia groups at a UN Security Council meeting on 18 October Bamako's foreign minister Abdoulaye Diop dialled down the rhetoric five days later at the Dakar Security Forum insisting Mali could work with any partner including Paris if they didn't dictate policy...

    Vol 63 No 13 |
  • MALI

Bamako refuses to look to France

Mali's foreign minister Abdoulaye Diop has reportedly sought to justify this as a means of pressuring leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) to soften sanctions...

In New York this week foreign minister Abdoulaye Diop devoted more time to complaining about France's refusal to allow the Malian army into the then newly liberated Touareg town of Kidal back in 2013 than with the urgent challenges confronting his country today...

    Vol 63 No 10 |
  • MALI

Bamako's junta forces hard choices

On 4 May Mali's foreign minister Abdoulaye Diop was in Lomé to ask Togo to act as a facilitator in relations with the international community – potentially a means of exploring the scope for an understanding with Ecowas without being seen to cede ground to the bloc's official mediator Goodluck Jonathan...

Sectarian killings surge as French troops leave

Mauritanians have been murdered in at least two incidents forcing Bamako's foreign minister Abdoulaye Diop into a placatory dash to Nouakchott to promise a joint enquiry and security patrols in western border areas...

The coup-makers win the first round

Col Goïta and Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop have avoided Choguel Maïga-style rhetoric while defending their regime's sovereign right to work with the international forces of its choosing...

Displaying 1-10 out of 19 results.