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General Tsadkan Gebretensae

Displaying 1-10 out of 15 results.

How Tigray is turning on itself

Another influential figure Tsadkan Gebretensae sides with Getachew both of whom hail from southern Tigray (the TPLF's historical power base has been in the north of the region particularly the city of Adwa)...

Can Tigray's factions hold together?

As Tigray's new supremo Getachew has formed an alliance with some TPLF allies plus Tadesse and Tsadkan Gebretensae another non-TPLF military strategist dedicated to democratic reforms...

Lies, damned lies and statistics

Some in Abiy's government had been predicting a split in the Tigray leadership between regional and TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael and TDF commanders led by General Tsadkan Gebretensae...

Addis tries to rewrite the script

On 1 August General Tsadkan Gebretensae spelt out the position of the Tigray Defence Forces (TDF) to the BBC: 'All our military activities at this time are governed by two major objectives...


Diplomatic push for ceasefire as war enters 'dangerous new phase'

Just how intractable the position has become was made clear in an interview given by General Tsadkan Gebretensae Commander of the Tigray Defence Forces to the BBC's Julian Marshall in which he spelt out Tigray's conditions for a ceasefire: unfettered access for humanitarian aid which he said was subject to a federal 'blockade' an end to attacks on Tigray civilians in Addis Ababa and the launching of negotiations on the future political structure of Ethiopia...


Fighting escalates as federal ties fray

By early January General Tsadkan Gebretensae a veteran guerrilla leader and a former Chief of Staff of ENDF retired by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in 2001 had taken charge of strategy...

No good options on the table

Military strategists in the TDF such as General Tsadkan Gebretensae who was a commander in the 1999-2000 border war knows well the strengths of the Eritrean forces and the risk of Tigrayan overeach (AC Vol 39 No 18 Brothers at war)...

Gim-Gema in Ethiopia

Tsadkan Gebretensae may be moved to the Ministry of Defence with the northern army commander Major Gen...

Displaying 1-10 out of 15 results.