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Jacques Foccart

Date of Birth: 31 August 1913
Place of Birth: Ambrières-les-Vallées, France
Died: 19 March 1997

Displaying 1-10 out of 33 results.

Emmanuel l'Africain II

The cosy and corrupt relationships between France and its ex-colonies nurtured by Charles de Gaulle's eminence grise Jacques Foccart have been commonly referred to by one word: Françafrique...

Paris sends Sahel signal

When it began in 1973 27 summits ago Franco-African policy was the province of the fabled and feared Jacques Foccart who ruthlessly managed the sub-Saharan business and political network out of the Elysée palace...

Remaking an old relationship

Toubon is a member of the opaque and influential political Club 89 - as is Maurice Robert who worked with the Françafrique dinosaur Jacques Foccart and lawyer Robert Bourgi Sarkozy's current Africa go-between...

Chirac's last Cannes-Cannes

The late President Charles de Gaulle's old Africa chief Jacques Foccart whom Chirac had brought out of retirement died at the same time...

Bongo for ever

Back in 1967 he was sponsored by France's legendary Monsieur Afrique Jacques Foccart on the assumption that someone lacking wide ethnic support could be manipulated...

The view from the Seine

There will be no return to the old personal networks entrusted to presidential Africa advisors such as Gaullists Jacques Foccart and Fernand Wibaux or President François Mitterrand's son Jean-Christophe (dubbed Papa m'a dit - 'Daddy told me')...

Winners and losers in Angolagate

The most high profile of these is Jean-Christophe Mitterrand son of the late President who cultivated his African networks as assiduously as Chirac's friend the late Jacques Foccart and until now with more commercial success...

How high the summit

Chirac inherits his African opinions from the Gaullist line through Giscard d'Estaing and the veteran éminence grise Jacques Foccart who until his death would telephone Chirac daily with diplomatic advice (some of it very odd)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 33 results.