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Benjamin Netanyahu

Date of Birth: 21 October 1949
Place of Birth: Tel Aviv

Displaying 11-20 out of 26 results.

Gertler tries to dodge sanctions

Based in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv Gertler isn't widely known in Israel but is close to a network of powerful business and political figures around Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...

Beshir's trials begin

On 3 February the military leader of the transitional government Lieutenant-General Abdel Fattah Burhan had a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Uganda...


Turning down the volume

Just as Trump is relying on Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia's Mohammed bin Salman Kenyatta has positioned himself to be the White House's 'Africa guy'...

Into the valley of debt

The Elbit contracts were signed just days after Lungu met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Uganda at a gathering of East African heads of state to mark the 40th anniversary of Israel's 3-4 July 1976 raid on Entebbe airport (AC Vol 57 No 14 A close political race gets angrier)...

Refugee protest in Tel Aviv

The deportation policy stands in marked contrast to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent 'charm offensive' in Africa seeking diplomatic support at the United Nations and contracts dependent on Israel's security expertise (AC Vol 58 No 7 Plan Bibi for AU)...

Bibi goes vote shopping

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems determined to revive his planned Africa-Israel Summit...

Bibi rebuffed

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spent the past year courting African leaders seeking to exchange development aid investment and counter-terrorism expertise for African support in international fora such as the United Nations...

Friends in African places

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's charm offensive began after December's United Nations Security Council resolution co-sponsored by Angola and Senegal condemned Israeli settlement activity...

Spinning Africa in Europe

ESL Agence Publics and Brussels-based Aspect Consulting were also hired via the Israeli firm Shaviv Strategy and Campaigns – which counts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu among its clients – to coordinate Congo-Brazzaville President Denis Sassou-Nguesso's re-election campaign in April 2016 and promote the work of the electoral commission the Commission nationale électorale indépendante (AC Vol 57 No 7 Sassou makes it modest)...

Plan Bibi for AU

Timor Consulting and Shaviv Consulting – which counts Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu among its clients – advised presidential campaigns in Zambia Congo-Brazzaville Kenya Botswana and Egypt (AC Vol 57 No 5 Lungu schemes to survive & Vol 57 No 7 Sassou makes it modest)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 26 results.