The shut down was ordered by Kenyan officials following pressure from United States President Joe Biden's administration (AC Vol 66 No 2 Washington's sanctions block Hemeti's war message)...
Vol 66 No 5 |
Backers of the schemes had been concerned that the new US administration would be reluctant to back Lobito as it had become emblematic of ex-President Joe Biden's Africa strategy...
Some analysts expected that countries like Uganda which lost their AGOA access during Joe Biden's presidency after the passing of an anti-homosexuality law would regain access (Dispatches 16/4/24 Taking the politics out of AGOA)...
Vol 66 No 4 |
This worried former US President Joe Biden whose administration persuaded Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi to block a proposed sale of Congolese mining assets from Kazakhstan's Eurasian Resources Group to a Chinese company...
Trump's predecessor Joe Biden had suspended Uganda's access over its latest anti-homosexuality bill noting that the government had ‘engaged in gross violations of internationally recognised human rights' (Dispatches 9/11/2023 Despite the sceptics Washington prolongs the AGOA trade deal)...
Washington's sanctions against Burhan in the final days of Joe Biden's presidency followed a week after sanctions against Hemeti and six companies based in the UAE...
Kenya was designated a major non-NATO ally of the US by President Joe Biden last year (AC Vol 65 No 12 Ruto revels in the western embrace)...
With backing from US President Joe Biden's administration the OECD had introduced a global minimum corporate tax of 15% after prolonged debate...
One of few Trump appointees who also served in the Democrat administrations of Joe Biden and Barack Obama and one of even fewer who acknowledge the existence and threat of climate change Foltz is a career Washington insider...
But he will hope that new United States President Donald Trump will revive the bilateral trade talks that had stalled under Joe Biden...