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South Africa

Mziwoxolo Edward Zuma

Date of Birth: 1977

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.

Anatomy of a failed insurrection

Among those who fed the flames on radio and social media included three of Zuma's 20 or so children: sons Edward Zuma a protégé of the Guptas and Duduzane Zuma and daughter Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla...

The 'Ramaphosa Compromise'

The bank accounts of two of Zuma's sons Duduzane and Edward Zuma were frozen on 30 October by law enforcement officers investigating their alleged role in state looting...

A week of defeats for Zuma

Yet apart from presidential son Edward Zuma together with known sycophants Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs Minister Des van Rooyen and Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane there have been almost no attempts to defend Zuma against the latest chorus of public attacks...

No-fly zone for legal eagles

Senior officials have been trying to remove Booysen ever since he brought charges against businessman Thoshan Panday an associate of one of Zuma's sons Edward Zuma and Colonel Navin Madhoe over an alleged R60 mn...

Gunning for JZ

Sheik-Ibrahim's other claim concerns the charges against Zuma's son Mziwoxolo Zuma for rape at the University of Zululand in 2000...

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.