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Agegnehu Teshager

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.

Abiy keeps Addis on side but alienates the nation

A long-time low-profile EPRDF member Binalf Andualem Minister of Peace rumoured to have a tense relationship with Abiy Melaku Alebel Minister of Industry Agegnehu Teshager Speaker of the House of Federation Ethiopia's upper house Other regional leaders: Aden Farah from Somali Issa clan Head of the Democracy Building Center with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister first Deputy President of PP Desta Ledamo Sidama Regional State President Endeshaw Tassew former Federal Police Commissioner and later Deputy Chief at the NISS now Chief Administrator of the newly established Central Ethiopia Regional State Dilamo Ottore Head of the newly formed South Ethiopia Regional State PP branch Tilahun Kebede President of South Ethiopia Regional State Ristu Yirdaw former President of the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples' Region now Deputy Head at NISS Tsegaye Mamo Southwest Ethiopia Peoples' Regional State PP branch head Ashadli Hassen President of Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State...

Rivals set out their minimum conditions

They had included four leading Amharas: Demeke Mekonnen Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs; Gedu Andargachew current National Security Adviser; Agegnehu Teshager president of the Amhara region; and Temesgen Tiruneh Director General of the National Intelligence and Security Service; and a similar group of Oromos Shimelis Abdisa Oromo region president; Fekadu Tesema head of the Oromo PP; Adanech Abebe mayor of Addis Ababa; and Addisu Arega former head of the Oromo Democratic Party Central Committee office...

Fighting escalates as federal ties fray

Amhara region President Agegnehu Teshager said his government was ready to 'withstand provocation by the TPLF terrorist group' urging people to resist Tigrayan efforts to retake Humera Wolkait Tsegede and Tselemti...

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.