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Paul Rusesabagina

Date of Birth: 15 June 1954
Place of Birth: Murama, Gitarama

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.

A landslide victory foretold, again

In the most publicised cases such as the abduction of dual national and oppositionist Paul Rusesabagina after which the United States sanctioned Kigali President Kagame relented...

Kagame tests his security playbook to the limit

Another startling example is that of Paul Rusesabagina the hero of the 'Hotel Rwanda' story immortalised by Hollywood who was abducted in Dubai in 2020 as part of a clandestine operation involving Rwandan sleeper agents based in Burundi...

Kagame's bargaining chip

Ever since the rendition trial and conviction of Paul Rusesabagina hero of the Hollywood film 'Hotel Rwanda' there has been diplomatic speculation that President Paul Kagame might use the status of the one-time hotel manager as a bargaining chip...

A trial on trial

The trial of Paul Rusesabagina 67 the subject of the Hollywood film 'Hotel Rwanda' which depicted him sheltering victims of the 1994 genocide has prompted criticism from international human rights groups the United States and Belgium but no sign of serious pressure on Kigali...

Nowhere to hide

Kagame's government has been embarrassed by the admission by Justice Minister Johnston Busingye in a shambolic interview with Al Jazeera on 26 February that the government paid for the plane that transported Paul Rusesabagina from Dubai to Kigali (AC Vol 61 No 18 Exile flies into a trap)...


Western pressure grows against Kagame over rights abuses

The death in custody of revered Rwandan musician Kizito Mihigo and the coming trial of Paul Rusesabagina the hero of the movie Hotel Rwanda are focusing renewed attention on President Paul Kagame's governance record...

And the European Parliament demanded the 'immediate release' of Paul Rusesabagina describing his arrest as an 'enforced disappearance' in a resolution adopted last week...


Exile flies into a trap

Paul Rusesabagina the real-life character behind the 2004 Hollywood movie Hotel Rwanda ended up on show in Kigali in handcuffs on 4 September raising myriad questions of international law as President Paul Kagame's government faces mounting regional opposition...

Backers and attackers

The leaders of the new anti-Kigali formation include Callixte Nsabimana Sankara a Tutsi former RNC cadre as well as CNRD's Congo-based military commander Wilson Irategeka and Paul Rusesabagina...

Displaying 1-10 out of 10 results.