The return last month of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta sent a marathon election run-up into overdrive...
One faction is Konaré's the other is led by Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (IBK) sacked as Premier in February (nominally to revitalise party networks)...
Beleaguered President Alpha Oumar Konaré and Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta chose la rentrée and the end of the rainy season to counter-attack following unprecedented criticism of both men over corruption and incompetence (AC Vol 40 No 15)...
Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta wants to succeed him as President...
Yet Konaré's woes are minor compared to those of his Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta ('IBK') a technocrat promoted to the premiership in 1994 with no popular base...
Boubacar Bâ Mayor of Bamako’s Commune 5 is a close political ally of both Assemblée Nationale speaker Aly Nouhoum Diallo and Prime Minister (and Adema President) Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta...
Once a year (this time on 10 December the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) Malians can submit their grievances directly to Premier Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta and his entire cabinet...
Sissoko's legendary largesse has made him wildly popular in Mali but his offered gifts of luxury cars to both Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and President Alpha Oumar Konaré were politely but firmly turned down...
Konaré's uncompromising Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (IBK) is also President of the ruling Alliance Nationale pour la Démocratie au Mali (Adema)...
Since then President Konaré has preached dialogue and compromise while his Premier Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta has played the hardman role...
So Prime Minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta a hardline Adema powerbroker promised to wipe out Tall at the polls...