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Mahmoud Dicko

Date of Birth: 1954
Place of Birth: Timbuktu region, Mali

Displaying 1-10 out of 20 results.

    Vol 65 No 6 |
  • MALI

Book guts Goïta's junta

The ruckus comes against the backdrop of civil unrest at the electricity crisis – Malians are reduced to a few hours of current per day if any at all – and a new opposition movement around the influential imam Mahmoud Dicko which on 17 February lambasted the junta for failure to deliver in terms of security basic services and the cost of living and demanded an election date...

Juntas in shock split from Ecowas

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune compounded the insult as seen from Bamako by granting an audience to the prominent Malian imam Mahmoud Dicko a frequent critic of the junta...



    Vol 64 No 13 |
  • MALI

Junta tightens its grip as it organises referendum

Influential Imam Mahmoud Dicko an opponent of the military junta urged his supporters to oppose the constitution on 16 June and tens of thousands of Malians participated on Friday in rallies in the capital Bamako ahead of Sunday's constitutional referendum (AC Vol 64 No 5 A junta that's going nowhere)...

    Vol 64 No 5 |
  • MALI

A junta that's going nowhere

A draft went to Goïta in October but after the opposition parties and the prominent imam Mahmoud Dicko rejected it no more has been heard...

There are fears that not even Mali's three most influential religious leaders may be able to stop the tide be it the widely respected and normally reserved Cheik Chérif Ousmane Haidara who released a pessimistic video in December; the firebrand imam Mahmoud Dicko; or the discreet and wealthy businessman and political broker Mohamed Ould Hamahoulah who also goes by Bouyé Haïdara but is universally known as Chérif de Nioro (AC Vol 62 No 14 Paris makes up with the junta)...

Goïta plays to his nationalist gallery

The influential imam Mahmoud Dicko recently accused Goïta's junta of arrogance – a hint at the domestic political pressure that could pile up as long as there is little progress on security...

    Vol 62 No 14 |
  • MALI

Paris makes up with the junta

Perhaps highest on the Prime Minister's agenda will be the need to stay on the right side of the powerful imam Mahmoud Dicko...

How to lose a war

Pro-Westerners and European security experts see the beliefs of firebrand religious leaders like the Bamako-based imam Mahmoud Dicko as complementary to the military tactics of the armed extremists in the field even though his own followers and the inhabitants of the Sahel at large overwhelmingly disapprove of their methods (AC Vol 61 No 14 Keïta clings on)...

    Vol 61 No 20 |
  • MALI

Colonels concede – but not much

Other wannabes included Issa Kaou N'Djim (a prominent M5-RFP spokesman from the ranks of imam Mahmoud Dicko) the celebrated filmmaker and politician Cheick Oumar Sissoko and a host of other politicians eager to reinvent themselves as opposition activists...

Displaying 1-10 out of 20 results.