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José Eduardo dos Santos

Date of Birth: 28 August 1942
Place of Birth: Luanda
Died: 8 July 2022

Displaying 251-260 out of 319 results.

Talking to Jonas

Bush wrote to President José Eduardo dos Santos last week urging a 'peaceful solution' to the war while still backing UN sanctions on Savimbi...

Slow, slow

Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos is pulling fewer of the strings since some of Luanda's friends - such as Colonel Eddy Kapend - have been under arrest (AC Vol 41 No 5)...

Free Falcone

President José Eduardo dos Santos has lamented that the French justice system targeted arms dealer Pierre Falcone who had made an 'enormous contribution to preserving democracy and the rule of law' in Angola...

The pro-consuls decide

However both President José Eduardo dos Santos and Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe were angered by military risks taken by Kabila without consulting his allies; examples were the launch of an offensive in Equateur Province last June when the Forces Armées Congolaises (FAC) were badly beaten by Jean-Pierre Bemba's Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo (plus Uganda)...

Congo imbroglio

More significantly Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos did not bother to attend December's summit of Kinshasa's allies...

Pretence of normality

President José Eduardo dos Santos had floated the amnesty for 'all those who abandon unjust war and opt for democracy' on 10 November in a speech marking the 25th anniversary of Independence...

Open skies

Caroline Elmes the UK Ambassador passed on their grumbles to President José Eduardo dos Santos...

Going straight - again

Is President José Eduardo dos Santos' government slopping around in oil revenues serious about economic reform at last...

Masters of war

Fowler was accused of failing to establish a critical distance from his hosts in Angola the government of President José Eduardo dos Santos...

Tracking Angola's gems

RDR was a tough competitor with tax and other privileges and excellent connections with Isabel daughter of President José Eduardo dos Santos...

Displaying 251-260 out of 319 results.