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José Eduardo dos Santos

Date of Birth: 28 August 1942
Place of Birth: Luanda
Died: 8 July 2022

Displaying 241-250 out of 319 results.

Leaders who retire, leaders who don't

In Luanda and Maputo leaders promise to go In Angola President José Eduardo dos Santos has said he will not be the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola's candidate in the next election ­ not to be held before at least 2003 but discreet jockeying has already started...

New Year hopes

Alignments may shift again this year witness Kagame's groundbreaking meeting with Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos still a nominal supporter of Kabila...

Later rather than sooner

Western finger-wagging at President José Eduardo dos Santos' government will be even less energetic in coming months...

Bitter borders

After a bad patch relations between the neighbours had seemed warmer lately and Presidents José Eduardo dos Santos and Frederick Chiluba had exchanged visits...

Stuck again

The United States calling for 'no talks with terrorists' still wants to prod President José Eduardo dos Santos towards talks with Jonas Savimbi's União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola rebels (AC Vol 42 No 17); UNITA's old friends in George W...

Dialogue in Addis

Four years after the UN Security Council called on all foreign troops to withdraw from Congo-Brazzaville Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos says his troops will remain until both governments agree they should leave...

Waiting for the call

President José Eduardo dos Santos announced on 23 August that he would not be the ruling Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola's candidate at the next election...

Kagame under siege

When Angola's President José Eduardo dos Santos visited Brussels on 18 June Foreign Minister Michel clearly supported his Angolan counterpart João Bernardo de Miranda who said that Angolan troops could not pull out of Congo until general stabilisation had been achieved...

Who blinks first?

On 2 May President José Eduardo dos Santos made his most conciliatory statement for a year talking of a 'route to peace' and a dialogue with UNITA (AC Vol 42 No 9)...

Lev Leviev takes on De Beers

Last August De Beers Chairman Nicky Oppenheimer met President José Eduardo dos Santos offering to set up a mining joint venture and to cancel a claimed $85 mn...

Displaying 241-250 out of 319 results.