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Air Vice-Marshal Elson Moyo

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.

Paranoia on show as Harare hosts summit

In March Mnangagwa retired the Commander of the Air Force Elson Moyo after the presidential jet was redirected from Victoria Falls Airport due to a bomb threat...

Rule by rivalry

Moyo's cousin Elson Moyo replaced Shumbayawonda who had briefly replaced Perence Shiri as commander of the Air Force of Zimbabwe...

Cash at the generals' command

Air Force of Zimbabwe commander Elson Moyo had however defiantly insisted that Command Agriculture would remain running 'for ten years to come'...

Trafigura in a tug-of-war

But in a sign of defiance the Air Force of Zimbabwe commander Air Marshal Elson Moyo said: 'We foresee Command Agriculture going on for ten years to come...


Death of a general

Mleya and Lifa may also have been poisoned like Air Vice-Marshal Elson Moyo who had clashed with the Air Force Commander Perence Shiri last year...

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.