Berhanu Julu met Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok...
At the same time Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok a former deputy chief of the UN's Economic Commission for Africa has been discussing the opening of a substantial new UN operation in Khartoum involving technical support on judicial reform and peacebuilding (AC Vol 60 No 17 Hamdok's appeal)...
Khartoum's uneasy transitional administration – an alliance between military junta and civilian oppositionists – has been active in trying to bring the South Sudanese together with interim premier Abdalla Hamdok accompanying Machar to meet his counterparts in Juba...
Starting work on 22 August a day after he was sworn in new Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok quickly amassed support ranging from activists in the sit-in outside the military headquarters to loyalists of the former ruling National Congress Party (NCP) as well as the United Nations...
The main names in contention are: Mudawi Ibrahim Adam an engineer and human rights activist formerly a political detainee in Kobar prison; Muntasir el Tayeb Ibrahim a professor of microbiology at University of Khartoum and a leading force in the political agenda of the DFCF along with his academic colleagues; and Abdalla Hamdok special advisor to the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank and a former Deputy Executive Director of the UN's Economic Commission for Africa (AC Vol 52 No 1 Freedom – North and South & AC Vol 53 No 12 The new Thabo Mbeki)...
Vol 53 No 12 |
Members of the High-Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa include Abdoulie Janneh Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa and his deputy Abdalla Hamdok; Mbeki was recently appointed to chair the ECA...