The Taqaddum civilian coalition led by former prime minister Abdalla Hamdok split into two earlier this month...
The Tagadum coalition led by former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok struggled to each any agreement with those civilian groups aligned with Burhan's forces (Dispatches 9/7/24 Egypt-backed peace talks make slow progress)...
Tagadum is headed by former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok who urged both sides to ‘be patient and to build on anything positive that comes out of it'...
On 2 April 17 Tagadum leaders (including former Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok) were indicted for war crimes crimes against humanity genocide and undermining the constitutional system of Sudan (AC Vol 65 No 3 Why Tagadum could be a turning point)...
Tagadum (Coordination of Civilian Democratic forces) was well represented in Paris beyond the presence of its chairman former prime minister Abdalla Hamdok based in Abu Dhabi (AC Vol 65 No 3 Why Tagadum could be a turning point)...
At the press conference Hemeti was the driving force while former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok had little new to say...
The first great hope this year was the Coordination of the Civilian Political Forces (Tagadum) Initiative headed by ousted Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok...
Their position was greatly strengthened after the coup led by Burhan and RSF Commander Gen Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo 'Hemeti' in October 2021 which ousted the transitional government and its Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok...
Vol 65 No 3 |
On New Year's Day Hemeti signed a declaration with Sudan's former civilian prime minister Abdalla Hamdok and the pro-civilian Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum) pledging support for a transition to civil rule...
Some suggested the exercise seemed to absolve former prime minister Abdalla Hamdok and the core FFC politicians from the mistakes they had made in the thwarted transition before the coup in October 2021...
Former prime minister Abdalla Hamdok has made similar claims...