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Gnassingbé Eyadéma

Date of Birth: 26 December 1935
Place of Birth: Kozah, Kara Region, Togo
Died: 5 February 2005

Displaying 1-10 out of 101 results.

    Vol 65 No 10 |
  • TOGO

The Gnassingbé dynasty prolongs its grip on the state

When his military dictator father President Gnassingbé Eyadéma died in 2005 his father's Praetorian guard of military and police loyalists who also protected the regime against political reform picked Faure as the best son to succeed...

President Faure secretly helps the Niamey junta

Some trace Faure's sympathy for the Niamey junta to his personal history as the successor to his father Gnassingbé Eyadéma a putschist who seized power in 1967 then held on to it with the backing of the army and police running a one-party state until 1993 when he made some superficial gestures towards political liberalism...

SPECIAL REPORT: How Vincent Bolloré came to dominate business in Togo – using money, media and merchandise

But Bolloré still faced obstacles chiefly Jacques Dupuydauby an equally well-connected French entrepreneur who had used his connections to the strongly Africa-focused French President Jacques Chirac to secure links to President Gnassingbé Eyadéma...

Debbasch has acted as the right-hand man of several Francophone African leaders but ended up settling down with President Gnassingbé Eyadéma for the last part of his career and life counselling him on how to best resist western calls for reform while extracting bribes from foreign businesses...

    Vol 61 No 5 |
  • TOGO

Democratic, for a dynast

When his father President Gnassingbé Eyadéma died suddenly his father's political allies sneaked him into office...

    Vol 60 No 21 |
  • TOGO

The price of legitimacy

He succeeded to the presidency in 2005 on the sudden death of his father the French army veteran Gnassingbé Eyadéma whose one-party rule was scarred by violence by the security services the breakdown of relations with donors and economic decay at a time when neighbouring more democratic countries were enjoying steady growth...

    Vol 59 No 24 |
  • TOGO

Boycott threatens landslide

He succeeded his father Gnassingbé Eyadéma who had ruled Togo since 1967 on his death in 2005...

Who speaks for Africa?

Togo hosted the Lomé Convention in 1975 but then found itself shut out of the Cotonou process when its EU aid was suspended after President Gnassingbé Eyadéma won a presidential election in the 2003 which was marked by accusations of fraud and violence (AC Vol 44 No 21 Lomé abstention)...

Adieu à Françafrique

The complaint centres around involvement by the Havas PR guru Jean-Philippe Dorent in the election of President Faure Gnassingbé after he succeeded his father Gnassingbé Eyadéma in 2005...

    Vol 58 No 20 |
  • TOGO

A test for people power

'Faure must go…50 ans ça suffit' – a reference to the combined time in office of the President and the dictatorship of his father Gnassingbé Eyadéma – is the slogan of the Togo Debout campaign which started out by calling for an immediate return to the original 1992 constitution but is rapidly evolving into a demand for the early resignation of the President...

The significance of the 1992 constitution is that it was negotiated on a consensus basis and received massive popular support as the foundation for genuine democracy – until Gnassingbé Eyadéma launched a ferocious crackdown on opponents and changed the rules back in the regime's favour...

Displaying 1-10 out of 101 results.