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Josep Borrell Fontelles

Date of Birth: 24 April 1947
Place of Birth: La Pobla de Segur, Lleida, Catalonia

Displaying 51-54 out of 54 results.

Territorial armies

It received a boost when Josep Borrell – who as Spanish Foreign Minister called for Morocco to be more integrated in the European security architecture – replaced Federica Mogherini as the EU's High Representative on Foreign Affairs (AC Vol 60 No 19 New names same games)...

A game of many nations

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell has confessed that Europe's failure to find a solution to the Libyan crisis is the product of deep divisions among member states...

New names, same games

The other commissioners dealing with EU-Africa relations will be Foreign Affairs High Representative Josep Borrell Fontelles; and Greece's Margaritis Schinas who has been designated as the Commissioner for the clumsy-sounding Protecting Our European Way of Life portfolio that includes migration control...

Lobbying pays off for Bourita

New facesWith a change of the EU's top five leaders due at the end of October – including Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell Fontelles who has been nominated by EU leaders to replace Mogherini as the EU's High Representative on Foreign Affairs – Rabat has every reason to think they will be more amenable to its interests...

Displaying 51-54 out of 54 results.