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Guinea Bissau

Dr Carlos Lopes

Date of Birth: 7 March 1960
Place of Birth: Canchungo, Guinea Bissau

Displaying 1-10 out of 20 results.

How Brussels's green tax will hit Africa

Others such as Carlos Lopes the chair of the African Climate Foundation's Advisory Council (ACF) are more optimistic – provided that there is financial and technical support for African governments meeting the EU's carbon standards...

Governments face a multi-speed rebound

CONTINENTAL DRIFT Top trade advisor to the African Union Carlos Lopes says the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area in January has more symbolic than practical effects give that many of its key protocols still have to be negotiated...

An uncivil union

While Carlos Lopes the AU's chief negotiator on the post-Cotonou treaty and the former executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa is the main driver of AU Commission policy most of the momentum comes from member states especially South Africa (AC Vol 59 No 21 Who speaks for Africa...

In the meantime AU policy is led by former Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Carlos Lopes who is now the High Representative of the AU Commission in its negotiations with the EU post-2020...

Thandika Mkandawire, 10 October 1940-27 March 2020

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr Carlos Lopes and Khalid Malik Earthscan 2002; 'African Intellectuals Political Culture and Development' Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (Austrian Journal of Development Studies) XV 111:1 (Special Issue edited by Henning Melber) 2002; 'Globalization and Social Equity' African Sociological Review 2002; 'The Terrible Toll of Post-Colonial 'Rebel Movements' in Africa: Toward an Explanation of the Violence Against the Peasantry' Journal of Modern African Studies 2002; Social Policy in a Development Context UNRISD Geneva 2001; 'Thinking About Developmental States in Africa' Cambridge Journal of Economics 2001; 'Non-Organic Intellectuals and 'Learning' in Policy-Making Africa' in Learning in Development Co-operation eds...


Newish but not radical

Some countries are comfortable with the status quo and others like the AU's chief negotiator on post-Cotonou Carlos Lopes want an ambitious continent-to-continent political and trade relationship with the EU that cuts out the ACP...

Revenues and resources are the key

It will take two to three years to see an appreciable difference in trade patterns and growth according to Carlos Lopes former executive secretary of the UN's Economic Commission for Africa and an advisor to and negotiator for the AU on the new free trade zone...


Over the rainbow

Carlos Lopes one of Africa's leading development economists and a chief advisor to and negotiator for the African Union said that South Africa –like Nigeria Angola and Algeria – has a tough few years ahead of it...

Displaying 1-10 out of 20 results.