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Esther Nyawa Lungu

Date of Birth: 2 June 1961

Displaying 1-3 out of 3 results.


A Lungu family crackdown

The arrest of former First Lady Esther Lungu and her daughter Chiyeso Katete over possession of properties allegedly linked to corruption is the latest front in the battle against the former president and his family...


Point of no return

As feared by commentators at the time of the purchase of the C27J twin-engined military transports the government has been using at least one of them in political campaigning we hear in December and was used to transport Lungu's wife Esther Lungu on one occasion...

The party rebrands for the polls

Meanwhile the First Lady Esther Lungu has been touring the country priming the pump for her husband's re-election next year...

Displaying 1-3 out of 3 results.