Political alliances have been shaken up again after the former trade minister in President Mwai Kibaki's government Mukhisa Kituyi resigned as Secretary General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development to run for the presidency in 2022 (AC Vol 48 No 7 No-party politics rule)...
Polcy downgradeA growing number of critics are saying that especially when compared to President Mwai Kibaki's time in the presidency there has been a decline in the experience and intellectual calibre of economic thinkers number-crunchers and policymakers in government (AC Vol 61 No 12 Uhuru takes it out on his party)...
but there is no systematic plan in the manner of President Mwai Kibaki's Vision 2030...
Foremost among them is Amos Kimunya a finance minister during Mwai Kibaki's presidency and trenchant critic of Odinga...
Unlike the February 2008 National Accord between former president Mwai Kibaki and Odinga midwifed by African Union emissaries notably Kofi Annan Benjamin Mkapa and Graça Machel and chaperoned by Western diplomats the March 2018 'Handshake' was negotiated between close Kenyatta and Odinga family members gazetted by the Office of the President as an official function and foisted on the public as a fait accompli (AC Vol 59 No 6 Raila beats rivals to a new deal)...
However even the most objective Kenyans are finding it difficult to separate the man from the legacy of government whose performance is judged poor compared to that of his predecessor Mwai Kibaki...
Kabuga received protection there on the orders of President Daniel arap Moi which continued well into the presidency of Mwai Kibaki (AC Vol 44 No 2 The Unbwogables)...
The two men had worked amicably with Kenyatta when he was Minister of Finance in ex-President Mwai Kibaki's government and also after he became President...
Having fallen out with President Mwai Kibaki over a dishonoured power-sharing agreement Odinga used the opportunity offered by the referendum to run a spirited campaign against the 'Kilifi' draft constitution favoured by Kibaki and defeated the government winning 58% of the vote...
Odinga then led a strong splinter group out of KANU in 2002 that allied with Mwai Kibaki's opposition National Alliance of Kenya (NAK) to hand the emasculated KANU a resounding defeat at that year's general elections...
Vol 58 No 25 |
In 1998 Mwai Kibaki led a group of MPs calling for the secession and formation of a new State of Central Kenya in protest against President Daniel arap Moi's government...