Suddenly President Mwai Kibaki's political fortunes are looking up again and the idea of him running for re-election next year looks less ludicrous...
Mwai Kibaki now commands a narrow lead which could disappear if the opposition manages to cast him as a Kikuyu-only leader as they did in the November 2005 referendum...
Vol 47 No 13 |
With Finance Minister Amos Muhinga Kimunya he was making a virtue of necessity: most aid has been suspended or cut because Western countries think President Mwai Kibaki's government is not doing enough to stop corruption or drug exports...
Mary Wambui President Mwai Kibaki's second wife has been repeatedly embarrassed by reports of her links to two men with Armenian names after a security breach at Jomo Kenyatta airport...
The handling of the cocaine case by President Mwai Kibaki's government - particularly its failure to account for millions of dollars' worth of cocaine in police custody and locate several millions more - has prompted further tensions with Western governments already unimpressed by its proclaimed determination to tackle official corruption...
The Standard then claimed (and State House denied) the men were linked to Winnie Mwai the daughter of the ubiquitous Mary Wambui an 'activist' for the ruling National Rainbow Coalition who is the second wife of President Mwai Kibaki...
The Kenya ban is particularly embarrassing for the Nairobi government as Getonga was one of President Mwai Kibaki's senior advisors...
Kimunya's association with Mwai Kibaki goes back to when the President was patron of the Kenya Golf Union and Kimunya was an official at Kibaki's favourite Muthaiga Golf Club...
Although Kroll had suspended its investigations and assets-tracing contract with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki's government over a year ago at least two other European-based business intelligence companies have been in Nairobi in recent weeks to open discussions with government officials about taking over the Kroll dossier...
President Mwai Kibaki was kept out of the picture and the government's divided response showed that most ministers knew nothing about it...