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Emilio Stanley Mwai Kibaki

Date of Birth: 15 November 1931
Place of Birth: Gatuyaini Village, Othaya, Nyeri district, Central Province
Died: 21 April 2022

Displaying 141-150 out of 319 results.

A 'government of national impunity'

The fractious coalition government of President Mwai Kibaki and Premier Raila Odinga may have finally agreed on something: to let impunity reign...

When asked whether he had abandoned the idea of a tribunal President Mwai Kibaki quoted in the Daily Nation engaged in verbal acrobatics: 'We have not abandoned anything at all so don't bring anything that you have been imagining out there...

Kenyan politicians face new deadline

The first deadline met at the eleventh hour on 16 December was for the heads of the parties in the ruling coalition President Mwai Kibaki of the Party of National Unity and Prime Minister Raila Odinga of the Orange Democratic Movement to agree to set up the special tribunal within 60 days of receipt of the Commission's report...

Washington's Africa team takes shape

His warning to Kenyans about the risks of further delays in political and constitutional reform added to the international pressure on President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to avoid another political breakdown...

Uhuru's accounting crisis

The member of parliament for Imenti Central Gitobu Imanyara an implacable foe of President Mwai Kibaki’s Party of National Unity tabled documents suggesting that 211 budgetary items showed figures inconsistent with those Kenyatta had initially presented...

Who is in charge here?

The latest and worst row between the coalition partners President Mwai Kibaki's Party of National Unity (PNU) and Prime Minister Raila Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) involves a tussle over nominating the Leader of Government Business and the Chairmanship of the House Business Committee...

The bust and after

There are hopes of fresh spending on infrastructure: President Mwai Kibaki attended a conference in Zambia on 7 April where details emerged of funding for the north-south road and rail corridor hopefully from Gulf states and China...

A reform deadline for the rivals

Instead of addressing substantive issues such as the obstacles to reform senior figures in President Mwai Kibaki's Party of National Unity chose to feign outrage after incorrectly claiming that their President had been summoned to a civil society conference by the Annan Foundation without due protocol...

Inside the sealed envelope

' Responsibility for getting the local tribunal established rested on all parliamentarians and not just on the two principals President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga Annan said...

Displaying 141-150 out of 319 results.