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Emilio Stanley Mwai Kibaki

Date of Birth: 15 November 1931
Place of Birth: Gatuyaini Village, Othaya, Nyeri district, Central Province
Died: 21 April 2022

Displaying 111-120 out of 319 results.

Abyei's protocol problems

At an Inter-Governmental Authority on Development meeting which a worried Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki convened in Ethiopia the next week Salva told IGAD bluntly who was blocking the referenda...

A rope for Ruto

Although State House said Ruto had been ‘stood aside’ (the awkward parlance for such suspensions under President Mwai Kibaki) it seems to have been Ruto’s rival Prime Minister Raila Odinga who orchestrated the move (AC Vol 51 No 16)...

Wetangula – MP for Khartoum North

The puzzle deepened when officials from Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement said they hadn’t known Omer was coming and accused President Mwai Kibaki’s Party of National Unity of not consulting them...

Turning a corner

The renewed alliance between the coalition partners President Mwai Kibaki and Premier Raila Odinga looked impossible only months ago...

This time a peaceful vote

The result is a victory for former enemies President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga architects of the Yes campaign who consolidated their lead by bringing in some stragglers and using tactics reminiscent of Kenya's one-party era...

Mungiki’s new man

Neither do many Kenyans take seriously President Mwai Kibaki’s promise last year to arrest the militia and gangs that attack Kenyans...

The battle for the basic law

At the same time his party leader Prime Minister Raila Odinga has declared himself a Yes vote with President Mwai Kibaki as part of Odinga’s relentless pursuit of the presidency in 2012...

Yes, No and in between

THE YES CAMP President Mwai Kibaki’s enthusiasm for the proposed constitution has surprised many as has his rapprochement with Premier Odinga alongside whom he has campaigned at almost every rally...

The rise of the watermelons

The leaders of the two main parties President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga seem to agree on the fundamentals...

Displaying 111-120 out of 319 results.