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South Africa

Faith Muthambi

Displaying 1-10 out of 16 results.

The markets bet on Ramaphosa's grand coalition

The leading lights of the anti-GNU group in the NEC (in order of their rankings on the NEC): are Malusi Gigaba Andile Lungisa Soviet Lelgangaye Bathabile Dlamini Lindiwe Zulu Supra Mahumapelo Dakota Legoete and Faith Muthambi...

Ill fares the ANC

Faith Muthambi a former minister under Zuma and one of the most controversial RET supporters has been dropped as chair of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance but now chairs the environmental affairs committee...

Cyril wins a battle over graft

Others deemed unsuitable by the commission include former state security Minister Bongani Bongo who has been charged with bribery and has stepped aside as an MP; former minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson; Beauty Dlulane; Ruth Bhengu; and former State Security Minister David Mahlobo; Thabang Makwetla former Minister of Correctional Services; former Communications Minister Nomvula Mokonyane and former ministers Faith Muthambi and Bathabile Dlamini head of the ANC Women's League...

State companies in the firing line

These include Mosebenzi Zwane Nomvula Mokonyane Faith Muthambi and Des van Rooyen as well as senior party officials such as Secretary-General Ace Magashule ANC Women's League leader Bathabile Dlamini and Deputy President David Mabuza...

Meltdown in the party

Meanwhile Magashule has disbanded the ANC Youth League with a new team including Zuma-supporting ex-ministers Nomvula Mokonyane Faith Muthambi and Malusi Gigaba set to rebuild the league ahead of an elective conference in January 2020...

The party and the pendulum

Magashule had wanted to parachute his allies all of whom had close ties with the Gupta family Zuma's business associates into the most powerful committees: Faith Muthambi former minister for public service to the Justice Committee; Mosebenzi Zwane ex-minister for mines to labour and Supra Mahumapelo the ousted former premier of North West province to the local government committee (AC Vol 60 No 13 Ace helps his allies)...

Ace helps his allies

Faith Muthambi another Zuma-appointed minister who leaked confidential information to the Gupta brothers was sacked by Ramaphosa and continues to be at Zuma's side during his court appearances on multiple fraud charges is now the chair of the co-operative governance committee which oversees the increasingly important realm of provincial and local government...

Long shadow of corruption over new order

Women's League President Bathabile Dlamini and former Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba were disqualified in the first category; the 19 named in the second category included current ANC chair Gwede Mantashe Supra Mahumapelo former Premier of North West province and former ministers Bongani Bongo Faith Muthambi Mosebenzi Zwane and Nomvula Mokonyane...


ANC’s not-so-clean slates

Several other discredited allies of Zuma including Faith Muthambi David Mahlobo Bongani Bongo Siyabonga Cwele and outgoing ANC Youth League leader Collen Maine were also included...

Not yet Team Ramaphosa

Those fired include Fikile Mbalula (Police) Mosebenzi Zwane (Mineral Resources) Des van Rooyen (Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs) Lynne Brown (Public Enterprises) Faith Muthambi (Public Service and Administration) David Mahlobo (Energy) and Bongani Bongo (State Security)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 16 results.