deal between Aguila Saleh Issa Gueider President of the Tobruk-based Libyan Parliament the House of Representatives and Dickens and Madson (Canada) Inc...
An Israeli ex-intelligence officer and former arms dealer Ben-Menashe's principle mandate from Aguila Saleh is to lobby the US government to secure the 'creation of a national unity government acceptable to the foreign principal'...
In addition to obtaining 'favourable media attention' for Aguila Saleh the contract includes a commitment to lobby the Russian government 'to obtain for you a grant or grants in aid from the Russian Federation or some branch thereof for security equipment and technical support as you judge necessary in the amount of US$500 000 000 such as will be determined after further direct consultation with you...
Nominal Prime Minster Abdullah el Thani's cabinet had hired the cruise ship to house the newly elected 188 members of parliament and ordered it to dock at Tobruk without the consent of the House Speaker Aguila Saleh Issa Gueider Africa Confidential understands...