Despite being ostracised by Kenyatta prominent Kikuyu leaders in Nakuru – like Senator Susan Wakarura Kihika Kimani Ngunjiri and Jane Njeri Kihara – have sided with Ruto...
Despite the President's exhortation to focus on government not politics a determined number of legislators and governors led by Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichung'wa Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro and Nakuru Senator Susan Wakarura Kihika have defiantly held rallies among the Kikuyu in support of Ruto's presidential candidacy in 2022...
A Ruto-supporting MP in Nakuru Kimani Ngunjiri immediately convened a mock rally with T-shirts saying 'Proud Washenzi...
This worries Kikuyus in the mainly-Kalenjin Rift valley region such as Kimani Ngunjiri and his followers who are fearful of a repeat of the Kikuyu/Kalenjin violence of 2008...
Nakuru's Senator Susan Kihika has questioned Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri's defence of Kansagra and his warnings to her: 'I want to tell my sister to be careful when commenting on the Solai dam disaster ' he said in May...