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July Moyo

Displaying 1-10 out of 14 results.

Tanks roll as Mnangagwa tries to extend his rule

Mnangagwa moved July Moyo one of his oldest allies and a ZANU heavyweight to the Ministry of Energy and Power Development switching him with Edgar Moyo who went to the Ministry of Public Service and Social Welfare...

Mnangagwa hunkers down

Lovemore Matuke who has been key to developing Mnangagwa's support within ZANU-PF is the new State Security Minister while long-term loyalist July Moyo has been shuffled to head the Energy Ministry (AC Vol 65 No 25 As army dissent grows Mnangagwa appoints loyalist as security minister)...

Cracks in ZANU-PF edifice

This competition is between two senior cabinet and politburo members July Moyo and Joram Gumbo who back the rival contenders...

Open for negotiations

Meanwhile July Moyo remains Minister of Local Government proving the strength of his relationship with Mnangagwa...

However July Moyo insisted that the councillors who won their seats in urban opposition strongholds must wait must wait three weeks (from victory on 3 August to inauguration on 26 August) a completely unconstitutional move...

Nor was it legal for July Moyo to appoint the caretaker commissions he put in place because at the time the government had already been dissolved in preparation for the election...

The President ends his holiday

The Harare commentariat believes that Mnangagwa and Moyo have a new plot furthered (says The Zimbabwean on Sunday) at a Christmas Day meeting hosted by former Midlands Province Chairman July Moyo on a farm near Gweru capital of Mnangagwa’s Midlands...

So far the confirmed guests are Mnangagwa Jonathan Moyo July Moyo (disciplined along with Jonathan Moyo after Tsholotsho) ex-Manicaland party Chairman Mike Madiro and former Deputy Lands Minister Florence Bhuka...

Mnangagwa's second coming

The suspended chairmen then aligned to Mnangagwa – Mike Madiro (Manicaland) Themba Ncube (Bulawayo) Jacob Mudenda (Matebeleland North) July Moyo (Midlands) Lloyd Siyoka (Matebeleland South) and Daniel Shumba (Masvingo) – have had their punishments rescinded...

A heartbeat away

Three are from Mashonaland: Daniel Shumba of Masvingo Mike Madiro of Manicaland and July Moyo of the Midlands who is also Minister of Mines...

Gunning for Number 2

Already the Mashonaland Central party Chairman Chen Chimutengwende has publicly backed Mujuru but Mashonaland West party Chairman and former Mnangagwa-ally Philip Chiyangwa has been more taciturn about his preferences as has July Moyo the party Chairman for Midlands Mnangagwa's own province...

Displaying 1-10 out of 14 results.