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United States

Michael Richard Pompeo (Mike)

Date of Birth: 30 December 1963
Place of Birth: Orange, California

Displaying 1-10 out of 21 results.

Back to bulldozer politics

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo barred Makonda's entry and that of his immediate family to the US...

Nnamdi Kanu celebrates

He has tapped into the networks of the religious right in the United States; his acolytes have met with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claiming to him that the Buhari government is leading a 'genocide against Christians'...

Terms of re-engagement

Normalise relations with Israel and compensate the victims of Al Qaida terrorism was the straightforward message from United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok during his brief visit to Khartoum on 25 August...

At cross purposes on world trade

On 8 June President Buhari's special assistant Garba Shehu issued a statement lambasting the IPOB and Mercury campaign and regretting that it has publicly accused the Nigerian government of a 'silent slaughter' of Christians and that its supporters were able to get a meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and make presentations to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom...

Third wave threatens the continent

G-7 countriesOn 25 March G7 foreign ministers failed to agree on a communiqué after the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo demanded that Covid-19 should be referred to as the 'Wuhan virus' reflecting the diplomatic row over the management of the virus...

Displaying 1-10 out of 21 results.