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José Conduna António Pacheco

Date of Birth: 10 September 1958
Place of Birth: Ampara, Buzi district, Sofala

Displaying 21-28 out of 28 results.

A dominant party – not a one-party state

Guebuza has groomed younger technocrats and others including Foreign Minister Oldemiro Baloi and Interior Minister José Pacheco as well as the independent-minded Prime Minister Luisa Diogo...

Pax Guebuzana

José Pacheco the youngish Interior Minister oversees the President’s tough security and law and order policies...

The clock turns back

Up and coming Guebuza-loyalists include Interior Minister José Pacheco who leads the President's tough law-and-order policies and Finance Minister Aiuba Cuereneia an influential presidential confidant although he is opposed by old-guard figures who backed Guebuza specifically to avoid being overruled by young technocrats...

Waiting in line

In Mozambique José Pacheco Interior Minister and close ally of President Armando Guebuza is predicted to be a cabinet reshuffle casualty when Guebuza returns from holiday in January...

Remaking Guebuza

Relations with the opposition party the Resistência Nacional de Moçambique (Renamo) have deteriorated since Interior Minister José Pacheco who's in charge of Guebuza's tough law and order policies launched a crackdown...

Born again Stalinism

The rising political star José Pacheco a former provincial governor takes over the corruption-prone Ministry of the Interior aiming to clean up the police and advance law and order...

Seconds out

The only new-generation faces on the new Political Committee are Transport Minister Tomás Salomão (48) whom donors approved of in his former post as Finance Minister and José Pacheco (44) the respected Governor of Cabo Delgado Province...

Chissano tastes success

The polls showed growing support for the strong anti-corruption and anti-bureaucracy stance of Cabo Delgado Governor José Pacheco...

Displaying 21-28 out of 28 results.