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José Conduna António Pacheco

Date of Birth: 10 September 1958
Place of Birth: Ampara, Buzi district, Sofala

Displaying 11-20 out of 28 results.

Renamo ramps up the pressure

Frelimo's delegation to the talks is led by José Pacheco Agriculture Minister and a favourite to succeed Guebuza as President (AC Vol 53 No 21 Guebuza's new man)...

Timber rackets, gas booms

As the booming trade in smuggled ivory and timber devastates northern Mozambique’s environment Attorney General Augusto Paulino has launched an investigation into the claimed involvement of Agriculture Minister José Pacheco and his predecessor Tomás Mandlate...

Limits to corruption campaign

This comes after the Environmental Investigation Agency a British-based non-governmental organisation found evidence suggesting that he and the current Agriculture Minister José Pacheco had interests in companies illegally exporting timber to China...

Frelimo's gold rush

Another Guebuza favourite José Pacheco was seen as a rising star and possible successor but his reputation suffered from his handling of the food riots in September 2010 and lately from accusations of corruption...

Rotten timber trade

Liu Chaoying and Yang Yuanwu Jefe managers of Mozambique First International Development are cosy with Agriculture Minister José Pacheco who was Governor of Cabo Delgado Province when they set up offices there in 2000...

Partial win for Guebuza

José Pacheco Verification Secretary Agriculture Minister ex-Interior Minister and Cabo Delgado Governor...

Comrades and compromisers

José Pacheco: a Guebuza protégé he is well-regarded representing Frelimo's younger modernising side...

The President is for turning

Next come the political casualties: these are likely to include Interior Minister José Pacheco a tough technocrat and former rising star now widely criticised for the draconian and self-defeating police response...

Displaying 11-20 out of 28 results.